Journalism I students showcase examples of Black history, joy and excellence in members of the Athens community.
Even at a school like CCHS, where mental health is taken seriously, there are opportunities for greater student support.
The ODYSSEY Media Group has highlighted spooky stories as Halloween approaches on Oct. 31.
he ODYSSEY Media Group has compiled twelve of its best stories celebrating the LGBTQ+ community in honor of LGBTQ+ History Month.
As the first quarter of the 2024-25 school year wraps up, new Clarke Central High School teachers reflect on their previous jobs, goals for the year and lives before teaching.
Diversity and representation are crucial importance for modern-day media organizations, which is why the ODYSSEY has taken steps to ensure they are codified into our policies.
Clarke County School District schools do not provide Gifted Education services to a representative sample of the student body.
As the first quarter of the 2023-2024 school year wraps up, new Clarke Central High School teachers and staff reflect on their time at CCHS so far, their lives before teaching, their hopes for the future and their advice for students.
After deliberation, Clarke County School District leaders opt not to modify school start and end times for the 2023-2024 school year.
The ODYSSEY Media Group, along with the rest of the Clarke Central High School student body, will be on Spring Break from April 1 to April 9.
Journalism I students showcase examples of Black history, joy, and excellence in members of the Athens community.
The ODYSSEY Media Group, along with the rest of the Clarke Central High School student body, will be on Thanksgiving break from Nov. 22 to Nov. 28.
It is more important than ever for students to address issues that impact them.
Breaking NewsNewsSliderSpecial Reports
NSPA Journalism Honor Roll inductees named
by Staff April 26, 2022Fourteen Clarke Central High School student journalists were recognized for academic excellence.
Because the COVID-19 vaccine is a crucial element to moving past the pandemic, the CCSD community must work together to overcome vaccine hesitancy.
After over a year of adverse effects on education due to the pandemic, the academic success of K-12 students should be at the forefront of concern for American schools.
Clarke County School District seeks to fill top Human Resources positions
by Micah Shannon December 24, 2020CCSD is looking for replacement hires for two top Human Resources positions given the imminent departure of Chief of Human Resources Lynn Duke and Executive Director of Talent Management Michael Harris.
Clarke Central High School alumni reflect on their experiences moving from a student to staff position.
FeaturesMultimedia PackagesNewsSlider
ODYSSEY Media Group takes on Southern Interscholastic Press Association
by Naomi Hendershot March 17, 2020From March 6 through 8, members of the ODYSSEY Media Group, Journalism 1 and iliad Literary-Art magazine attended the annual Southern Interscholastic Press Association conference.
Clarke Central High School freshman coordinate algebra teacher Becky Begnaud is retiring from CCHS at the end of the 2019-20 school year.
Gallery: Clarke Central High School first faculty breakfast
by Gerardo Navarro October 4, 2019Clarke Central High School social studies department teacher Karen LaRosa, along with the social studies department, hosted the monthly First Friday Faculty Breakfast for CCHS teachers and staff on Oct. 4.
Returning to GSPA: Students attend Georgia Scholastic Press Association conference and awards banquet
by Audrey Enghauser April 10, 2019On April 9, members of the ODYSSEY Media Group attended the Georgia Scholastic Press Association Spring Workshop and Awards banquet at the University of Georgia’s Georgia Center.
Members of the ODYSSEY Media Group joined student journalists from high schools across the Southeast in attending the annual Southern Interscholastic Press Association conference from March 1 through 3.
During the month of May, ODYSSEY Media Group staffers and Journalism I students went out and talked to faculty and staff. Here are their stories. Photo essay compiled by Bria Echols and Elena Webber.
Breaking NewsNewsSlider
Clarke County School District CCRPI numbers released
by Aneesa Conine-Nakano December 16, 2014State School Superintendent Dr. John Barge released the 2014 Georgia College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) that measures schools and school districts on a 100 point scale today.
Members of Clarke Central High School’s ODYSSEY Newsmagazine and Iliad Literary-Art Magazine participated in the University of South Carolina’s Southern Interscholastic Press Association’s Courage to Connect Convention in Columbia, S.C. from March 2-4, along with 400 other students from across the country.