The CCSD Board of Education discussed its resolution to opt out of House Bill 581 at their Feb. 13 meeting.
board of education
A slideshow shows a list of major international, national and Athens news stories from Jan. 11 to Jan. 17.
CCSD Board of Education on Georgia College Advising Corp
by Liza Larson December 17, 2024The Nov. 14 vote to terminate the contract with UGA’s Georgia College Advising Corp was reversed in a unanimous decision at the Dec. 12 CCSD Board of Education meeting.
At the Oct. 17 CCSD Board of Education meeting, CCSD personnel discussed health centers across the district.
The Clarke County School District Board of Education held its first meeting of the 2024-25 school year on Aug. 8.
Johnnie Lay Burks, the first Black teacher at Chase Street Elementary School, has broken barriers and made change through her career as an educator.
Q&A with CCSD Board of Education President Dr. LaKeisha Gantt
by Henry Abbe February 25, 2023CCSD Board of Education President LaKeisha Gantt speaks on her time on the Board of Education, what has been accomplished, and goals for the future.
The CCSD Board of Education announced Dr. Robbie Hooker as the finalist for the position of Superintendent of the CCSD in a press release on Aug. 8. If approved by the BOE in the coming weeks, he will assume the position effective Oct. 10.
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CCHS girls varsity soccer player Hannah Barnett speaks at Board of Education meeting
by Hannah Barnett February 12, 2022Senior Hannah Barnett, a CCHS varsity girls soccer player, spoke at a Board of Education meeting on Feb. 10 to address inequities between the facilities given to male and female athletes.
The CCSD Board of Education Policy Committee is attempting a complete review of the Board’s policies.
The CCSD Board of Education is reorganizing how it delegates committee work.
CCSD return to in-person learning postponed indefinitely
by Micah Shannon January 8, 2021The CCSD will continue to provide online-only instruction for all schools for an undetermined period.
CCSD and Clarke Middle School administrators have begun planning the renovation or reconstruction of the CMS building.
Managing Editor Naomi Hendershot writes a letter to the future Superintendent, sharing her hopes, fears and concerns about the future of the Clarke County School District.
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Clarke Middle School’s road to renovations
by Elena Webber February 20, 2020Preparations are being made at Clarke Middle School to undergo renovations and a possible rebuild.
Clarke County School District Board of Education votes Antwon Stephens as District Two representative
by Owen Donnelly January 20, 2020The Clarke County School District Board of Education voted to place Georgia’s ninth congressional district candidate Antwon Stephens as representative of District Two on Jan. 16.
Clarke County School District community members met at a Board of Education meeting on Dec. 17 to protest the appointment of an Interim Superintendent in the place of previous Superintendent Demond Means.
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Clarke County School District Superintendent discusses contract termination with Board of Education
by Maya Cornish December 4, 2019The Clarke County School District Board of Education and CCSD Superintendent Dr. Demond Means discussed his contract termination as Superintendent on Dec. 3 at the Athens Community Career Academy during an executive session.
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Days of dysfunction
by Mackenzie Caudill November 21, 2019The Clarke County School District superintendent and Board of Education face contention following an official complaint that threatens the district’s school accreditation.
Letter from the Editor: Conflict in the CCSD
by Elena Gilbertson Hall November 1, 2019Clarke County School District leaders are engaging in behavior that is distracting from the needs of CCSD students.
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Breaking News: Board of Education discusses misconduct complaint
by Maya Cornish August 30, 2019The Clarke County School District Board of Education called for a special meeting on Aug. 29 at the Athens Community Career Academy to discuss the AdvancED complaint regarding select members of the BOE.
Three new members have been elected to the Clarke County School District Board of Education: Dr. LaKeisha Gantt, Dr. Tawana Mattox and Dr. Kara Dyckman. Each will serve a four-year term on the BOE.
For over five years, the Clarke County School District Town Hall Facebook group has been a forum for education discourse, but potential CCSD Board of Education policies pose a threat to its effectiveness.
The Clarke County School District community is currently recuperating from events that have spurred debates, leaving many feeling that issues and breakdowns have reached a boiling point.