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Elena Gilbertson Hall

Elena Gilbertson Hall
Elena Gilbertson Hall is a senior at Clarke Central High School in Athens, Georgia where she is the Editor-in-Chief for the ODYSSEY Media Group. Gilbertson Hall has been on the staff of the ODYSSEY for four years and previously served as a news writer, covering important issues in the school and community while also exploring multimedia content and other forms of journalistic work. She was presented the Georgia Junior Champion Journalist Award by the Georgia Scholastic Press Association in 2019. She has also presented at multiple journalism conferences, including the Southern Interscholastic Press Association and GSPA.
Letter from the editor: Equalizing education
by Elena Gilbertson Hall March 3, 2020Within Clarke County schools, as in many schools across the U.S., there are disparities in classroom participation between girls and boys. These disparities require urgent solutions.
The Clarke Central High School National Art Honor Society initiated an art project to honor the 100-year anniversary of the 19th amendment.
A Sculpture III class may be added to the Clarke Central High School program of studies for the 2020-21 school year.
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Clarke Central High School takes the region championship
by Elena Gilbertson Hall November 9, 2019On Nov. 8, the Clarke Central High School varsity football team pulled off a win against No. 1-ranked team Buford High School in the Region Championship.
Letter from the Editor: Conflict in the CCSD
by Elena Gilbertson Hall November 1, 2019Clarke County School District leaders are engaging in behavior that is distracting from the needs of CCSD students.
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Q&A: Superintendent Dr. Demond Means
by Elena Gilbertson Hall October 30, 2019Clarke County School District Superintendent Dr. Demond Means speaks with the
ODYSSEY Media Group Editor-in-Chief about his past two years in the CCSD. -
Practicing yoga has made a major impact on the life of Editor-in-Chief Elena Gilbertson Hall.
More high school girls should consider applying to women’s colleges due to the educational environment and academic preparation they provide students.
During the summer, Clarke Central High School Assistant Principal Latinda Dean officially joined the CCHS Administrative Team.
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Smiling her way to sophomore year
by Elena Gilbertson Hall April 25, 2019Sophomore Emilyn Zapata moved to the United States to start her freshman year at Clarke Central High School. Her strong sense of optimism has carried her through the difficult transition.
The Pennsylvania state House of Representatives held a swearing-in ceremony for its first Muslim woman representative, but the ceremony was opened with a Christian prayer.
CCHS vs. Johnson High School varsity soccer preview
by Elena Gilbertson Hall March 27, 2019On March 29, the Clarke Central High School boys varsity soccer team will face Johnson High School.
Since the University of Georgia discovered the buried remains of numerous enslaved people during the renovation of Baldwin Hall, there has been extensive community dialogue about the issue.
CCHS vs. Madison County High School varsity soccer preview
by Elena Gilbertson Hall February 7, 2019The Clarke Central High School varsity soccer teams will face off against the Madison County High School varsity soccer teams on Feb. 8.
The 2018 midterm elections offered insights for Democrats about running in the South.
Managing Editor Elena Gilbertson Hall breaks down the most outstanding albums of 2018.
The Clarke Central High School varsity football team will enter the first round of the state AAAAA playoffs on Nov. 10.
ODYSSEY Media Group Managing Editor Elena Gilbertson Hall reflects on her time at the Georgia Governor’s Honors Program where students were willing to listen to those of different political affiliations.
On Oct. 13, the ninth annual Athens LatinX festival took place on Washington St. from 12-8 p.m. with the goal of celebrating Latin culture.
Georgia state officials, including Secretary of State Brian Kemp, have kicked hundreds of thousands of registered voters off voting rolls in an ongoing case of contemporary voter suppression.
Georgia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams spoke to a crowd of supporters in Athens on Oct. 11 to encourage voter turnout and engagement.
CCHS vs. Walnut Grove High School varsity football preview
by Elena Gilbertson Hall October 11, 2018On Oct. 12, the Clarke Central High School varsity football team will play Walnut Grove High School.
For the 2018-19 school year, the Clarke Central High School varsity football team expanded its academic support program for players.
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Breaking News: Principal responds to CCHS fights
by Elena Gilbertson Hall August 30, 2018In an email to parents, Clarke Central High School Principal Dr. Swade Huff responds to several incidents of physical altercations that took place in the school building on Aug. 29.
Breaking: School Board announces choice for Clarke Central High School principal
by Elena Gilbertson Hall May 18, 2018At the May 17 Board of Education Meeting, Clarke County School District Superintendent Demond Means announced his recommendation for the candidate to fill the Clarke Central High School principal position.
Based on students’ SAT scores, the Professional Association of Georgia Educators named STAR students across the state, including Clarke Central High School senior Hayes Phillips.
Members of Clarke Central High School’s ODYSSEY Media Group (OMG) and Journalism 1 class attended the Georgia Scholastic Press Association (GSPA) spring awards banquet and workshop on April 17.
The Clarke Central High School Parent Teacher Student Organization held a meeting on April 3 to expose rising ninth grade students to opportunities at CCHS.
From six to nine p.m. on March 26, community members were able to ask questions of candidates running for the local school board, county commission and mayoral seat at one in a series of several local candidate forums.
Chalis Montgomery: Candidate for congressional district 10
by Elena Gilbertson Hall March 26, 2018Candidate for Georgia congressional district 10 Chalis Montgomery announced her bid for the House of Representatives in the summer of 2017 with the goals of expanding healthcare coverage, creating a comprehensive jobs plan and raising the minimum wage.
Every Wednesday, the Athens-Clarke County Library hosts a Girls Who Code club with the goal of getting more girls interested in coding.
For $5, students can attend Clarke Central High School’s Cultural Night on Feb. 16, and parents and community members can attend for $7. Proceeds will benefit the CCHS Art Club.
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Learning about AP and Dual Enrollment
by Elena Gilbertson Hall January 25, 2018Advanced Placement and Dual Enrollment classes are available for Clarke Central High School students in grades 9-12 and on Jan. 25, these courses were advertised at CCHS.
The Federal Communications Commission voted to repeal net neutrality rules on Dec. 14 which could affect students and residents of the Clarke County School District.
Several people have announced candidacy for Congress to represent the Georgia 10th district, including University of Georgia philosophy professor Richard Dien Winfield.
Clarke Central High School’s robotics team is ranked first in Georgia as they proceed to the state competition.
In recent weeks, many allegations of sexual misconduct have emerged as the #MeToo movement has supported women sharing their stories.
A monument to Confederate soldiers has stood in Downtown Athens for over a century, but local activists are now working to move the monument out of the city center.
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Infographic: Athens special election recap
by Elena Gilbertson Hall November 11, 2017Voters in Athens cast ballots on Nov. 7 for candidates and local issues, electing two Democrats and approving a sales tax aimed at benefiting local transportation.
Clarke Central High School students in senior-level English classes took the Reading and Evidence Based Writing assessment on Oct. 31 and Nov. 2 in the cafeteria.
Clarke Central High School is hosting a book drive during the month of October for Books for Keeps.
The Clarke Central High School administrators held their second “Champion Chat” with juniors on Oct. 10 in the Lecture Hall with a total of three juniors in attendance.
The Athens-Clarke County mayoral election will take place in May of 2018 and several people have already announced their candidacy including former principal of Classic City High School and Athens-Clarke County Commissioner Kelly Girtz.
Teen Vogue has expanded its political coverage over the past year, and this coverage has been met with a mix of support and surprise.
The Clarke County School District has updated their testing retake guidelines for the 2017-18 school year.
Three women stand in a New York City subway station, dressed in floor-length gowns. As the train rushes in, the three women grab hands and scream as it whips by. This is just one of the wonderfully unique scenes to be found on “The Bold Type”.
Maryann Sullivan was hired as Clarke Central High School’s media specialist to replace former Media Specialist Kacy Tedder who took a position at Jefferson High School during summer break.
The National Association of Secondary School Principals initiated the Breakthrough School Award in 2007 to recognize middle and high schools that have made academic achievements while serving many students of poverty.
The Georgia Department of Education recently released the College and Career Ready Performance Index scores for the 2015-16 school year. Some experts question the accuracy of the state’s measure of student performance.
Clarke Central High School varsity tennis players stretch next to the court, rackets swinging as they warm up. Today, they are focused on the match, but next year.
The Clarke Central High School bands traveled to neighboring districts to participate in Large Group Performance Evaluations and all three bands received superior ratings.
Social studies department teacher Alex Yates assists freshman TayShaune Dowdy at Saturday School on Dec. 3. Dowdy feels Saturday School has been effective for him, and enjoys attending. “(I came to Saturday School) to pick my grades up because they were terrible,” Dowdy said. “Saturday School helps me because I can sit with a teacher who can show me how to do (my work).” Photo by Andrew Caldwell
Members of the ODYSSEY Media Group traveled to Columbia, S.C. for the 2017 Southern Interscholastic Press Association conference from March 2-5.
The Clarke Central High School tennis season for the 2016-17 school year began on Jan. 17.
Sophomore Joel Ulloa moved to Athens, Georgia for a better education, but it has been a hard transition from Mexico to the United States.
Student Support Technician Cierra Jackson was hired the first week of the 2016-17 school year and is a former gladiator.