Down To Lunch, compatible with both Android and Apple devices, is an app initially launched in April 2015, but has recently rose to popularity since. The main purpose serves to rekindle old friendships or make new ones and to bond.
Christina Kurian

Christina Kurian
Christina Kurian is a junior at Clarke Central High School in Athens, Ga. This is Kurian’s second year on staff. She is currently the Copy Editor for ODYSSEY Online. During her time on ODYSSEY, she has attended the Southern Interscholastic Press Association Conference and the Georgia Scholastic Press Association Conference. At SIPA, Kurian received an Award of Merit for her Online Feature. She hopes follow her previous editors’ footsteps and help others become successful journalists.
The Kardashians are highlighted far too much in today’s society, when in reality, they’re just regular people surrounded by fame.
Abrupt changes can cause dramatic differences in one’s life. Instead of looking at the negatives, Copy Editor Christina Kurian turned her focus towards the brighter aspects of moving. In fact, what she expected to be the worst experience of her life, became the most memorable instead.
College athletes reflect on their experience as full time athletes as well as students, and the difficulties they encountered.
Clarke Central High School JV girls soccer team will be playing against a new school, Discovery High School, on Feb. 17. Despite the fact of having no previous experience against the team, the CCHS JV girls soccer team expects to do well.
A scholarship, no essay, no GPA and no application needed
by Christina Kurian January 20, 2016Clarke Central High School provides students with various options for scholarships, and one of the many is The Sussie Scholarship, a scholarship that renews each month.
Clarke Central High School girls soccer team expects a good season this year because of their pre-season preparations.
School counselor intern Maggie Craig started working at Clarke Central High School in August and hopes to continue working here until the end of the school year.
Seniors are encouraged to make an appointment to have a senior meeting, in which students sit down and talk to their counselors concerning their future regarding graduation-readiness, college application preparation, college entrance exams and more.
After 15 years, Clarke Central High School refinished and repainted the New Gym’s floor.
As the school year comes to an end, Clarke Central High School principal Dr. Robbie P. Hooker reflects on the year.
The time one takes to read a text can lead to an hour on your phone, time that could have been used completing something productive. Phones, nowadays, can be a towering distraction in one’s life.
Clarke Central High School’s chess club will competed in the Georgia High School Chess Championship at Emory University in Atlanta, an all day event this Saturday, March 28.
VSCOcam, an application that stores simple photography taken on an smartphone, can also develop those snapshots into a high quality photograph with just a touch of editing.
AP Environmental Science added to courses available
by Christina Kurian February 18, 2015Clarke Central High School offers 20 different Advanced Placement courses and each year, more AP classes continue to be added. One new AP class will be offered next year.
On Feb. 7, the top four Academic Bowl teams from each region of the state will compete in a statewide competition at Flowery Branch High School. Clarke Central High School’s varsity Academic Bowl team will take part in this competition.
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Kurian: Academics before athletics
by Christina Kurian January 29, 2015Academics trump athletics in the high school arena, and the Georgia High School Association eligibility policy, which states a student has to be passing five classes to play a sport, puts a fair emphasis on academics.
Clarke Central High School foreign language department teacher Aaron Gibbs incorporates his passion for basketball into teaching Spanish.
On Dec. 17, the Clarke Central High School media center hosted its first winter wonderland event. The event had a photo booth and students presented on different technological resources available to students, parents and teachers.
Future Business Leaders of America will be taking part in March of Dimes, an organization that helps moms and their babies. They provide necessary resources for the babies in intensive care.
The Future Business Leaders of America compete in Athens
by Christina Kurian November 4, 2014Activities like the Fall Leadership Conference on Nov. 13-14 at the Classic Center, under Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education help students pursue their future careers.