Gifted Minorities Achieving, a student-led organization at Clarke Central High School, works to support and bring together minority students.
Ana Aldridge

Ana Aldridge
Ana Aldridge is a senior at Clarke Central High School in Athens, GA and is Co-Editor-in-Chief the ODYSSEY Media Group. Previously, Aldridge has served as a staff writer, News Editor, Writing Coach and Junior Copy Editor. Aldridge strives to teach others what she has learned in her journalism career and tell the stories of her community.
After a 34-year career working in schools, Clarke Central High School Assistant Principal Dr. Sheila Dunham will be retiring when her contract runs out at the end of June. Dunham shared an email announcing her retirement with the Clarke Central High School faculty on March 20.
The Clarke Central High School Administrative Team will host community panelists on March 18 to discuss equity in Athens.
Clarke Central High School counselor Akua Nelson was hired as a member of the CCHS counseling team this semester.
A fifth addition to the Clarke Central High School Counseling Team will be hired this semester, to help counselors meet the needs of an increasing student body population.
A signing reception was held for Clarke Central High School senior varsity wrestler Me’Shai Coleman on Jan. 16 in the Gladiator Gallery.
Infographic by Ana Aldridge ODYSSEY Media Group Co-Editor-in-Chief Ana Aldridge shares five activities in…
Clarke Central High School seniors, school and community chaperones stand in front of the…
A voting initiative field trip is being held on Nov. 1 to encourage civic participation among eligible student voters.
Clarke Central High School Assistant Principal Dr. Linda Boza sits in her office on…
Letter from the Editor: Fighting for the First Amendment
by Ana Aldridge October 10, 2018The current climate of distrust and hostility towards the media in the U.S. threatens our First Amendment right to the freedom of speech.
Clarke Central High School students and staff adjust to the recent increase in student body population.
Maepole, a new restaurant located at 1021 N. Chase St., offers good, healthy food and a convenient dining experience.
Clarke Central High School Principal Dr. Swade Huff (left) and Assistant Principal Dr. Sheila…
Clarke County School District no longer offering International Baccalaureate Programme
by Ana Aldridge July 12, 2018According to an email sent to Clarke County School District students and parents, the International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme will no longer be offered by the district.
Newly appointed Clarke Central High School principal Dr. Swade Huff met with CCHS faculty and staff in the Mell Auditorium on the morning of May 23.
Avid Bookshop partnered with author Nic Stone to host its second Black Girls Reading workshop on April 15.
The Black History School Assembly was held during third period on Feb. 15.
A Battle of the Bands was held on Jan. 13 at the 40 Watt Club to benefit the Cedar Shoals High School Journalism Program.
Players from 26 high schools participated in the FCA All-Star football game at 12 p.m. held at Clarke Central High School.
The Clarke Central High School staff has implemented new procedures to target student tardiness.
Clarke Central High School varsity defensive lineman Sam Tardits, a senior who grew up playing rugby in France, immerses himself in the world of football at CCHS and is faced with choosing between the two sports he loves.
The first Clarke Central High School Bilingual Parent Program meeting was held on Oct. 24 in Room 229, where the group brainstormed and discussed what future meetings will consist of.
The 2017 Walk to End Alzheimer’s ceremony was held at Clarke Central High School on Oct. 21. The event had over 800 participants.
The sixth annual Latin@Fest was held on Oct. 21 at Creature Comforts to celebrate the cultural heritage of the Athens Latino community.
Clarke Central High School held its Fall Sports Senior Night on Oct. 13 during its game against Johnson High School. Senior athletes and their families were recognized.
The Clarke Central High School administrators held their first “Champion Chat” with seniors on Sept. 26. in the Lecture Hall.
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Breaking news: Clarke Central High School teacher resigns due to inappropriate texts with student
by Ana Aldridge August 29, 2017In an email shared with Clarke Central High School staff and parents on the morning of Aug. 29, it was stated that a CCHS teacher resigned due to inappropriate texts they shared with a student.
Glad Time is discontinued as of the 2017-18 school year and has been replaced with a reformatted, weekly Advisement class.
A community forum was held at Whitehead Road Elementary School on April 3 to introduce the Clarke County School District’s final candidate for CCSD Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Demond Means, to the community.
The Clarke Central High School girls golf team, which began its season on Feb. 13, lacks players.
Print Writing Coach Ana Aldridge and staff writer Connor McCage offer two critical insights on “Split,” released on Jan. 20.
Clarke Central High School “goes green” with new, ecologically-friendly features incorporated in the building’s renovation.
Marie Yuran was named principal of Clarke Central High School on Sept. 1. However, many students remain unaware of this position change months into the school year.
Clarke Central High School “goes green” with new, ecologically-friendly features incorporated in the building’s renovation.
Clarke County School District Superintendent of Schools Dr. Philip Lanoue announces resignation, which will go into effect March 1.
The Athens Cotton Press hosted Clarke Central High School’s prom on April 15.
Clarke Central High School math department teacher Alex Szatkowski learned the power of choosing happiness at a young age when she decided to quit her pursuit to be a professional dancer.
Freshman Ana Aldridge looks back to the reasons behind her decision to be a vegetarian until the age of 20.
Freshman Ana Aldridge takes a closer look at the gap between women’s and men’s sports at high school and collegiate levels.
The women’s lifestyle company A Beautiful Mess released its third photo editing app, A Color Story, on Jan. 12. The app focuses on brightening and enhancing the natural color of photos.
Blanche Aldridge has a past foreign to many women today, in which she took care of her many younger siblings and gave up graduating high school and many carefree days to start a family with the man she loves.
Varsity Academic Team coach and social studies department teacher Drew Wheeler, talks about the team’s winning streak and his expectations for regionals.
Clarke Central High School wrestlers have begun dieting and exercising to ensure success in this year’s season, while moving away from unhealthy weight loss strategies.
The story of Malala Yousafzai is one that people in our culture generally have no experience with, but the movie He Named Me Malala manages to make Malala’s story both relatable and empowering to people of any background.
Freshman Ana Aldridge looks into the roles that gender and intelligence play in teen girls’ lives.
What started as a homemade bakery in Bangkok, Thailand in 2011, has now relocated to Athens as an Asian-American fusion desserts bakery, with the motive to satisfy one’s sweet tooth.