A photo gallery depicting moments from Business Manager Audrey St. Onge’s time working for the ODYSSEY is shown. In her 4 years of involvement with the ODYSSEY, St. Onge has held several positions. “I started Journalism I on Zoom and finished the school year in person, I was on Viewpoints and Variety, I did Business and Morale, and this year I was a facilitator helping the new Journalism I class,” St. Onge writes. Photos from ODYSSEY archives.
ODYSSEY Media Group Business Manager and Journalism I Facilitator Audrey St. Onge reflects on her four-year journey.
When I first joined the ODYSSEY Media Group as a freshman on Zoom, I kept a running list of the strange things our adviser Mr. David A. Ragsdale would say or do on a sticky note above my desk.
When I first walked into the classroom, still a freshman but with 75% of the year gone, I will never forget the first words he said to me: “Welcome to the rest of your life.” I’m just kidding, it was, “ You’re shorter than I thought you would be.”
Nonetheless, I have found a life in ODYSSEY, a home. I’m no taller, although I am perhaps a little wiser.
As ready as I am to graduate and leave this all behind, I will miss this group.
I have been on an odyssey in this class (bad pun intended). I started Journalism I on Zoom and finished the school year in-person. I was on Viewpoints and Variety, I was Business Staff and Morale Chair, and this year I was a Facilitator helping the new Journalism I class.
As ready as I am to graduate and leave this all behind, I will miss this group.
So this is a thank-you and a “so long” to all these people that will never all be together in the same way. The short jokes, the bad drawing I made as a freshman that is hanging above Mr. Ragsdale’s desk, and everything that makes the ODYSSEY something I will have for “the rest of my life.”