On Aug. 11, students attended orientation in Mell Auditorium. The enrollment of Clarke Central High School for the 2016-17 school year is 1,535. “I anticipate (enrollment) to keep growing, but this year, hopefully, would give a blueprint of what to do and how to handle (crowded classes) in the future,” social studies department teacher Drew Wheeler said. Photo by Julie Alpaugh
By MADDIE INGLE – Staff Writer
Enrollment at Clarke Central High School increases by more than 100 students.
In May 2016, CCHS enrollment was 1,395. Three months later enrollment jumped to 1,535 for the 2016-17 school year. CCHS Principal Marie Yuran believes the school’s ongoing renovation may be a reason for the increase in students.
“Brand new school buildings automatically see an influx of additional students when the word gets out that you’ve got a brand new facility,” Yuran said.
The capacity of the newly-renovated building is 1600. Although enrollment is under maximum capacity, freshman Avery Sepesi says the hallways are crowded.
“Going to and from lunch and after school (the hallways) are really crowded. You can’t walk without bumping into people,” Sepesi said.
Head scheduler Summer Smith schedules no more than 36 students to a class. She believes full classrooms do not necessarily cause difficulty within classes.
“I think it all depends on who those 36 kids are and what the make-up is. If there are 36 students who are really into the class and want to learn, it’s not that big of a deal,” Smith said.
Social studies department teacher Drew Wheeler expects enrollment to continue to increase.
“I anticipate (enrollment) to keep growing, but this year, hopefully, would give a blueprint of what to do and how to handle (crowded classes) in the future,” Wheeler said.
Smith agrees the increase will likely continue.
“This might be our new normal,” Smith said.