This photo represents an African-American female being irritated by the stereotypical comments made by people of other races. These comments are being made by people who make assumptions about people before getting to know them. It bothers her because she knows she is not the person they’re making her out to be. Cartoon by Ashley Lawrence.
By KENNAE HUNTER – Staff Writer
Junior Kennae Hunter speaks on her experience as an African-American teenager.
There are two people.
Person One lives with married parents in a house and has A’s and B’s in school. This person has never been in trouble at school or has a criminal record. This person has aspirations to attend a four-year university and have a successful life.
Person Two lives in a single-family household and has failed several classes throughout school. This person has been in trouble multiple times and does not have plans for after high school.
When you look at me, who do you see? Am I Person One or Two?
People presume negative things about me because I am African-American. I am perceived to be incompetent to complete the tasks as someone of a different color, when in fact I am in the top 38 percent of my class.
I have been asked questions such as, “Do you have a father?” or “How does your mom do it on her own?” When in reality I have a father who has been married to my mom for 21 years and counting. I have never been without him my entire life.
I am not or have ever been a one of the cliche stereotypes that have been ascribed to African-American teens.
For example, some people think just because a group of my friends and I are hanging out around Downtown Athens, we are “up to no good.” None of the people I hangout with have ever been in trouble in school or with police.
Why am I perceived as bad before I even speak?
I did not choose my skin color, but I did choose my character. Not only am I Person One, but I am Kennae Hunter, a black teenager who deserves just as much respect as any other teenager of any other race.