Foreign language department teacher and National Honor Society (NHS) sponsor Emily Dowd sits at her desk on Jan. 26. Dowd believes NHS is very rewarding for students. “It’s a prestigious thing to be able to say you’re a member of National Honor Society. All the colleges and universities know about it,” Dowd said. “It shows that you’re a serious student.”
Members of National Honor Society will pursue community service and elect new leaders during the second semester of the school year.
The National Honor Society (NHS) at Clarke Central High School has ambitious goals for the second semester of the 2015-16 school year.
Club members will elect new officers as the year comes to a close.
“Anybody who wants to run can run if they’re in good standing,” foreign language department teacher and NHS sponsor Emily Dowd said. “They just have to say a little thing or two about what they would hope to do and how they’re going to contribute to that role.”
The club members are also undertaking service activities, including a new tutoring partnership with Foothills Charter School.
“We just got hooked up with Foothills, so hopefully, some of [the members] will start to go over there after school and help with those students there,” Dowd said.
In addition to tutoring, NHS members hope to pursue another service activity through participating in Stop Hunger Now.
“This semester, we’re trying to raise some money to have Stop Hunger Now. We’ve done that in the past and we wanted to try to do it again, but it’s pretty expensive. We’re doing little things to raise money for that,” Dowd said.
To pay for Stop Hunger Now, the members of NHS intend to have a variety of different fundraisers. These include having a breakfast for teachers and a day of service.
“It’s just a fun, easy, and budget friendly way to tell a friend or a significant other you care about them, and it’s a great way for us to raise money so we can do bigger projects,” senior and NHS member Nicole Googe said.