Sophomore print staff writer Phineas Alexander believes that the thanks people share during the holiday season should carry throughout the year. Graphic by Aneesa Conine-Nakano.
By PHINEAS ALEXANDER – Print Staff Writer
Sophomore print staff writer Phineas Alexander shares what he is grateful for this Thanksgiving holiday, and why people should celebrate their thanks year round.
Every Thanksgiving I have an abundance of things to be grateful for.
I am thankful for parents that support me and a sister I can always talk to about anything. I am also grateful for my friends and the fact that I am fortunate enough to go to school, especially one that offers so many opportunities. Recently, I have come to be more thankful for the chance to look back on what I have and should be grateful for in the first place.
It is great to remind myself of what I am thankful for, but for me, this reflection is lost during the other 364 days of the year when I am not reminded to cherish what I have, instead of what I want and don’t have.
On normal days, it can be hard to focus on the positive parts of life, especially when things just don’t go my way and I know from experience that these negative things seem to weigh down on most people.
A lot of people I have known have told me to ignore those negative points and put them behind me. Though I have tried as hard as I could, I found that the most important thing to remember is the positive parts that are worth focusing on. Some of the most important things to remember are commonly overlooked, like family, friends and even the fact of simply having the things that I am fortunate enough to have. Things which other people may not have.
Sophomore year has been rough for me. A lot of days, I feel like everything that could go wrong, does. Sometimes at these low moments, it’s hard to value anything, period. Despite this, no matter how many bad things happen, there is always something to be grateful for, even if it is just having a family, simple rights and the necessities needed to live.
Though Thanksgiving is a great holiday to get together with family and express some of the most important things to be grateful for, the thankfulness of this holiday should carry over to the times in the year where this concept is lost. It is important to adopt this state of mind because no matter how bad things seem, there is always something to be grateful for. In the future, I will try to follow my own advice and attempt to see the light in any bad situation that I come across.
Hover over the image below to listen to what other Clarke Central High School students are thankful for.