By SAUDIA ROYAL – Web Writer
Thanksgiving is a time when families gather to feast together and while the feast will continue, what I am thankful for will not.
As Thanksgiving approaches there are many things I can be thankful for. As I think back the same thing I was thankful for last and the years before is what I am thankful for now. I thought this year could be a little different.
Yes, I am thankful for a good life, good health, my family, my friends and all the people that support me. This year I am really thankful for my past. My past has given me lots of things to be happy about, though it hasn’t always been perfect.
My past has taught me to value my present and future. If it wasn’t for my past struggles and experiences, I wouldn’t know or understand the importance of my presence. Forgetting your past will end with a repeat of it.
The past helps me to learn and mature. Reflecting on my past gives me insight on how to handle situations that may arise in my present. Some of the same mistakes I have made will never happen again. It’s my way of preparing for the future.
I think everything that has been done in my life was done so that someday it can be told to someone else. In hopes that it can encourage and guide them.
The reality of the past is that it’s a load that people will forever carry, so leaving it somewhere is not an option. Often people hide their past because of fear of judgment; it all depends on how you wear it.
Being able to accept your past will leave you much happier. You will be able to tuck your past in your pocket and continue your life. While hiding behind their past will leave and a person trapped and unhappy.
What you need to know about the past is that no matter what has happened it brought you to this moment and this you should be thankful for. You are reading this because someone has taught you how to read and you should be thankful for.
It’s the small things from the past that make me thankful for it. I remember I was in the sixth grade and I was called out of class and as soon as they called me my math teacher gave me a little smile. At that time I didn’t really pay attention to it then the counselor told me I was going to a higher level of math.
At that moment I started challenging myself beyond measure even if it was a little hard at time. I am able to push past it because of that very moment when she smiled at me. This is why my past is what I am thankful for this Thanksgiving.
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