Mental health representation in the media has increased in recent years. However, the representation is often inaccurate and unrealistic, which in turn impacts teenagers.
The censorship of books with diverse representation in schools can lead to negative consequences in terms of LGBTQ+ students’ mental health.
The CCHS Media Center has increased its circulation rate from previous years by taking book suggestions from students and teachers.
Children’s author Alex Gino will speak about their books and LGBTQ representation in literature at CCHS and CMS on March 17.
Pride Club at CCHS seeks to offer a space for LGBTQ students to build community and educate the CCHS student body.
Georgia lawmakers are considering a new process for banning books in schools that would place book challenge decision making solely on principals and superintendents.
The book “Erebos” by Ursula Poznanski is a must-read with its mysterious plot of a manipulative and dangerous video game that tries to take over the lives of Nick Dunmore and his high school friends.
Staff writer Elena Gilbertson Hall and Web Master Katie Grace Upchurch talk to author Annie Hartnett who stopped at Avid Bookshop on April 6 during her book tour for her novel, “Rabbit Cake”.
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