Senior Fajr DeLane received some shocking news on the evening of April 20th, 2016.
Fajr DeLane

Fajr DeLane
Fajr DeLane a senior at Clarke Central High School in Athens, Ga. and is a Variety staff writer for the ODYSSEY Newsmagazine. She is also the Battalion Commander of JROTC and is passionate about her community and shedding light on issues that face our world today. DeLane is extremely excited to let her voice be heard through the platform of ODYSSEY.
Senior Fajr DeLane receives shocking news about her dear friend, Ethan Schut. On Oct. 29, he overdosed and passed away. Fajr DeLane opens up and shares her revelation of this news.
Senior Fajr DeLane explores a higher realm of knowledge, people and inspiration through her journey out to Salt Lake City.