Longtime Clarke Central High School and Governor’s Honors Program teacher decries defunding the program.
David Ragsdale

David Ragsdale
David A. Ragsdale (UGA B.S.Ed. ’01, M.Ed. ’03, Ed.S. '09), CJE, has advised student publications since 2001 at Clarke Central H.S. in Athens, Ga., where his duties include advising the ODYSSEY Media Group and Iliad literary-art magazine. Additionally, he serves as Co-Department Chair of the English department at CCHS, coordinates student internships with the University of Georgia, serves as Gifted Coordinator and teaches English at the Title I school. He spends summers teaching at the Georgia Governor's Honors Program for the state's top gifted and talented students or on the faculty of journalism workshops across the Southeast. Ragsdale received the Crystal Apple Award, an honor given to University of Georgia alumni in K-12 education who have made a significant impact on student, school or school district performance in 2007. Ragsdale was the GSPA Adviser of the Year in 2007 and 2020. He was named an ASNE Reynolds High School Journalism Fellow in 2014, an Elizabeth Dickey Distinguished Service Award recipient by the Southern Interscholastic Press Association in 2015, named a Columbia Scholastic Press Association Distinguished Adviser in 2019 and the Journalism Teacher of the Year in 2022. Ragsdale and his staff have twice been recognized for their commitment to Diversity by the Journalism Education Association (2020-21 and 2021-22). He received the Leslie Dennis Heart for Diversity Award from SIPA in 2024 and he’s been commended by the JEA Board of Directors for his work for the organization. He served on UGA’s College of Education’s Alumni Board for several years, and currently serves on the National Council of Teachers of English’ REALM committee, as the Journalism Education Association’s State Director for Georgia, and as the Southern Interscholastic Press Association’s Executive Chair and on the Georgia Scholastic Press Association Advisory Board. Ragsdale will facilitate the JEA Outreach Academy at fall conventions. Ragsdale advocates a stance of student inquiry in his work and seeks to provide a safe place for students to not only succeed but also to fail. He seeks to empower students to recognize the implicit and explicit import of their words and to engage them in masterful storytelling. His students have received top honors in critiques and competitions across the country.
On Dec. 16, 2018, 2014 Clarke Central High School alumnus James Quinton Lumpkin, V passed away. He was remembered by his high school journalism adviser at his celebration of life on Dec. 20, 2018.
ODYSSEY Online complied a package of several articles and one broadcast video about the Governor’s Honors Program by Tiernan O’Neill, Hannah Gale, Karla Dougan and guest writer Sutton Dunwoodie.
ODYSSEY Online complied a package of several galleries on the 2015 homecoming pep rally, homecoming court, homecoming game and homecoming dance by Sophie Fernandes, Ella Sams and Julie Alpaugh.
As part of Clarke Central’s JROTC ceremony, Senior Fajr DeLane delivered a speech about America’s Resilience. With her permission, the speech is printed here.
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