An illustration shows Variety Editor Isabella Westrich’s grandfather, Tim Dondero, cooking with plenty of love. Food has become an integral part of Westrich’s relationship with her family. “Grandpa’s food adds flavor to my favorite memories of family gatherings and holidays. Grandpa’s food brings my family together around the table,” Westrich wrote. “Grandpa’s food broadens my worldview by giving me a taste of other cultures. Grandpa’s food makes me happy every time I eat it.” Illustration by Antonio Starks
Variety Editor Isabella Westrich reflects on the role that her grandpa, a chef, and the food he makes have played in her life.
My grandpa, Tim Dondero, is a chef.
Along with my aunt Anna and uncle Andrew, he’s the co-owner of local restaurant Dondero’s. He’s traveled all over the world learning about different cultural cuisines. He can casually make up his own recipes from scratch and identify every flavor in a dish from a single bite.

Variety Editor Isabella Westrich takes a selfie at her family’s weekly grandkids dinner on Aug. 23, 2022. Westrich’s grandpa, Tim Dondero, has had a passion for cooking his whole life, and his food is one way he shows love for his family. “Food has played a major role in my relationship with my grandpa,” Westrich wrote. “Whether he’s attempting to teach me to make curry (unfortunately, I forgot to turn the stove on), explaining the history of olives to me (for two hours) or, most likely, sharing his delicious culinary creations, I can feel his love in every helping hand, every excited anecdote and every bite.” Photo by Isabella Westrich
Grandpa writes a cooking blog, he publishes a cooking column in a local magazine, he teaches cooking classes and he often texts me about new foods he’s created. He makes food for our family all the time and hosts a “grandkids dinner” every Tuesday.
Grandpa cooks for fun, he cooks for work, he cooks every day. He can make everything from curry to chili to cottage pie. I, on the other hand, can’t cook at all. I’ve burned myself making microwave popcorn, obliterated a grilled cheese and exploded cupcakes.
But food has still played a major role in my relationship with my grandpa. Whether he’s attempting to teach me to make curry (unfortunately, I forgot to turn the stove on), explaining the history of olives to me (for two hours) or, as is most common, sharing his delicious culinary creations, I can feel his love in every helping hand, every excited anecdote and every bite.
Grandpa’s food adds flavor to my favorite memories of family gatherings and holidays. Grandpa’s food brings my family together around the table. Grandpa’s food broadens my worldview by giving me a taste of other cultures. Grandpa’s food makes me happy every time I eat it.
Grandpa’s food tells me he loves me.
Grandpa and his food have helped shape my life, and I am so, so grateful for them.