A juxtapose shows members of the ODYSSEY Media Group, iliad literary-art magazine and Journalism I class pose for a group photo at the Southern Interscholastic Press Association’s “It’s Our Turn” convention in Columbia, S.C. on March 5, juxtaposed with members of the OMG, J1 class and iliad staff at the 2021 SIPA virtual conference. OMG Digital Managing Editor Natalie Schliekelman, a senior, felt that the convention contributed to staff bonding. “There’s a lot of laughter. There’s a lot of talking. There’s a lot of people hugging each other and all that and that is really great to see,” Schliekelman said. Photos by Ireland McCage and Lucas Donnelly
Student ambassadors from the ODYSSEY Media Group, Journalism I class and iliad literary-art magazine returned to the Southern Interscholastic Press Association convention in Columbia, S.C. after a two-year hiatus.
Three hundred students from 15 schools across the South attended the Southern Interscholastic Press Association “It’s Our Turn” convention in Columbia, South Carolina from March 4-6, following a virtual 2021 convention due to COVID-19.
Among that group were 33 Clarke Central High School students representing the ODYSSEY Media Group, its Journalism I class and the iliad literary-art magazine. All groups took part in face-to-face journalistic sessions and on-site competitions in which they enhanced their skills and strengthened their writing and networking abilities.
OMG Print Editor-in-Chief Audrey Enghauser, a senior, has attended three in-person SIPA conventions during her ODYSSEY career and feels the convention gives staff members a break from their usual schedule.
“Usually when I’m talking to staffers, it’s about stories and I’m stressed. “There’s a level of stress accompanied with that, and I can’t dedicate myself to them as a friend, but I felt like I could do that this weekend.”
— Audrey Enghauser,
OMG Print Editor-in-Chief
“It’s really fun to have meals together and be able to talk, have fun and be relaxed because usually when I’m talking to staffers, it’s about stories and I’m stressed,” Enghauser said. “There’s a level of stress accompanied with that, and I can’t dedicate myself to them as a friend, but I felt like I could do that this weekend.”
Sports Editor Gretchen Hinger and Social Media Coordinator Jane Ripps kicked off the conference on Friday night when they presented the session, “More than a game: Improving Your Sports Writing” to more than 80 attendees. OMG adviser David Ragsdale was on hand to help facilitate the session and was pleased with the interactivity.
“Gretchen and Janie were in the zone with this presentation — their timing, ability to engage the audience and to facilitate discussion was lightyears from where they were when they presented last month at the Georgia Scholastic Press Association Winter conference,” Ragsdale said.
To start the second day of the convention, OMG Production, Journalism I and iliad staffers attended a keynote presentation by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Natalie Hauff. OMG Print Managing Editor and Journalism I Facilitator Chloe Sears appreciated the real-world context that Hauff provided in her Q&A.
“The keynote speaker was very engaging,” Sears said. “I really liked hearing about the advancement of her career, and how her background in journalism was beneficial both during and after her time in the industry.”
After the keynote presentation, OMG Digital Managing Editor Natalie Schliekelman and OMG Digital Editor-in-Chief Ireland McCage, both seniors, presented their session “Media Convergence” focused on 21st-century journalism.
“Ever since I was an underclassman, I’ve wanted to present at a convention, and I’m really glad that I got that experience before I graduated,” Schliekelman said. “After the session, some students from other publications came and talked to me about how excited they were to implement some of our suggestions in their publications, which was really gratifying.”
“I’m so proud of (my team). They did so good and they wrote so well, and it’s just really, really great to work with a team like that and get to work with people I don’t work with as often as I do and make a cohesive thing — one I’m proud of.”
— Natalie Schliekelman,
OMG Digital Managing Editor
The same day, Schliekelman competed in the SIPA Online Team Onsite Production (TOP) competition with Variety staffer Isabella Westrich, Webmaster Anna Shaikun and Journalism I student Wyatt Meyer. After working together to write a story based on their assigned prompt, the team won an award for Best Interactive/Visual Element.
“I’ve only done TOP in person one time before, and it was a radically different experience. This time I was leading the TOP team, and I was with people who I really thought highly of,” Schliekelman said. “I’m so proud of (my team). They did so good and they wrote so well, and it’s just really, really great to work with a team like that and get to work with people I don’t work with as often as I do and make a cohesive thing — one I’m proud of.”

ODYSSEY Media Group Menu Editor Kalli Samaltanos, a junior, gives her inaugural speech on March 5 at the Southern Interscholastic Press Association’s Saturday night banquet. Samaltanos was named 2023 SIPA President at the banquet, where she presented her vision for next year’s convention to those in attendance. “(As) the president, I really want to bring more sessions that involve the students, getting them to have more hands-on learning time,” Samaltanos said. “Along with that, I also really want to include more digital focused sessions like working on unusual convergence platform(s) because that’s where we are right now in journalism. I think it would be really beneficial for the young journalists to see that and work with that.” Photo by Aza Khan
After the on-site competitions on Saturday, four CCHS teams competed in Quiz Bowl, a journalistic trivia contest with nine competing teams from CCHS, Cedar Shoals High School and Wando High School, after qualifying during Friday night’s preliminary round.
“While only one of our teams made it to the semi-final round on Sunday, everybody still had so much fun competing and supporting each other,” Sears said. “After spending the year working with Production students and the freshmen in Journalism I, it was great to see all of them collaborating.”
After the Quiz Bowl competition, students and advisers attended the event’s formal banquet at which the ODYSSEY Newsmagazine, iliad Literary-Art Magazine and ODYSSEY Media Group (website) were each named All-Southern, a top honor for mail-in critiques. To close the banquet, Menu Editor Kalliope Samaltanos, a junior, was named SIPA student President and gave her inaugural address.
“The best part of SIPA for me was definitely (being named) SIPA President and getting to go up and give my speech. That was really fun. I got to see everybody look at me and congratulate me and pass out my (campaign) stickers. I had a great time,” Samaltanos said.
On Saturday night, students had the opportunity to watch the 2021 Oscar-nominated documentary “Writing With Fire.” Following the film, students were given a space to discuss the experience.
“(The film) really inspired me to try and look for more in-depth news and things that can really make (a) change. The women in the film seemed very educated. They knew how to find a story and carry it out in a way that focuses on the truth, and that is something I want to work on myself,” OMG Variety and Business Staffer Audrey St. Onge, a sophomore, said. “Mostly seeing how brave and powerful these women are was eye-opening and I think if this gets exposure the type of news people are reporting on will really change.”
“Mostly seeing how brave and powerful these women are was eye-opening and I think if this gets exposure the type of news people are reporting on will really change.”
— Audrey St.Onge,
OMG Variety and Business Staffer
On March 6, the last day of the convention, OMG photographer Aza Khan, a sophomore, presented “How to Social Network” with iliad Co-Editor-in-Chief Luna Reichert, which Ragsdale facilitated.
“I think we did a great job. I was less nervous (than when I presented previously). We had a bigger audience, too, and I feel like they were much more interactive with us, so it was, overall, a great experience and it was good to teach people something new,” Khan said.
After the final round of presentations, Enghauser, Schliekelman, Meyer and Journalism I student Maya Shrivastav won SIPA’s Quiz Bowl Competition.
“We each picked a domain or field to study — mine was sports — and it was super fun to be part of a team that I don’t know very well,” Meyer said. “I know Maya, but Natalie (and) Audrey Enghauser, two people that are high up in the (Leadership) Cabinet, it was cool to get to know them and (I also) think it’s cool that we won the (competition) after a real team performance in all rounds.”

Journalism I students Wyatt Meyer and Maya Shrivastav, Digital Managing Editor Natalie Schliekelman, and Print Editor-in-Chief Audrey Enghauser (left to right) hold the SIPA Quiz Bowl trophy on March 5 with their adviser, David Ragsdale (right). Schliekelman noticed her teammates stepping up and answering questions, which she believes helped the team win the competition. “(In the) Quiz Bowl, I saw just my teammates do a really great job stepping up, even between the first one and the last one,” Schliekelman said. “In the first one I buzzed in a lot, I did a lot of my team’s answers, but in the (finals), when we beat Wando (High School) 2, everyone was buzzing in. It was split evenly between everyone and that was really great.” Photo by Aza Khan
Nearing the end of the convention on Sunday, students viewed a presentation showcasing awards for writing, visuals, and on-site competition winners. Journalism I student Temprince Battle, a freshman, received an Honorable Mention for first-year student in the 2022 SIPA’s Best Visual Contest for an in-focus football photo in the most recent ODYSSEY Newsmagazine.
“It felt really good. I felt really accomplished, to get recognized by a lot of people for what I’ve done in the program, and I think after cheering for everybody, I liked seeing them cheer for me and be (as) happy for me as I was for them,” Battle said.
Like many members of the ODYSSEY and iliad, Variety Staffer Anna Tenner, a senior, found herself emotional at the end of the convention when she and the CCHS students debriefed on their programmatic and conference experience.
“I felt really accomplished, to get recognized by a lot of people for what I’ve done in the program, and I think after cheering for everybody, I liked seeing them cheer for me and be (as) happy for me as I was for them.”
— Temprince Battle,
Journalism I student
“There were just so many emotions. Of course, we were getting emotional because (the) seniors were leaving, but I feel like that’s not why I was crying,” Tenner said. “Obviously, there were a couple of moments when everybody kept saying, ‘Oh, the seniors are leaving,’ and then I would cry more because I would be like, ‘Oh, yeah, I am leaving,’ but it was more just, ‘I love everybody in this room so much.’”
For many ODYSSEY and iliad staffers, including Photographer and Journalism I Facilitator Lucas Donnelly, a junior, SIPA has been a meaningful and worthwhile experience, that is top on his list of experiences to look forward to each year.
“I think attending SIPA really made me remember and reminded me how much I love this program, and I’m really excited. SIPA made me really excited for the future, and I’m already looking forward to next year,” Donnelly said.
2022 Scroggins Award: Best of South
Online – ODYSSEY Media Group
All Southern
ODYSSEY Newsmagazine
ODYSSEY Media Group (online)
iliad literary-art magazine
Best of Show at SIPA
Online Media –
Online Media, 1st place – ODYSSEY Media Group
Literary Magazine –
Literary Magazine, 2nd place – iliad
Newsprint –
Newsprint, 2nd place – ODYSSEY
2022 Convention on-site competition winners
Quiz Bowl Champions – Natalie Schliekelman, Audrey Enghauser, Wyatt Meyer and Maya Shrivastav
Review Writing, 1st Place – Eleanor Robinson
Literary Magazine Team On-site Production competition
Best Overall – Salai Diekumpuna, Ollie Hendershot, Luna Reichert and Eva Orbock
Best Written Element – Salai Diekumpuna
Newsprint Team On-site Production competition
Best Design – Nico Willman, Isaac Ramirez, Anna Tenner and Cadence Schapker
Online Media On-site Production competition
Best Story & Best package – Ireland McCage, Maya Clement, Kalliope Samaltanos and Kendarius Butts
Best Interactive/visual element – Natalie Schliekelman, Wyatt Meyer, Anna Shaikun and Isabella Westrich
Photography Team On-site Production competition
Best Caption – Chloe Sears
SIPA’s Best Writing Contest
Literary Magazine
First Place – Micah Shannon
First Place – Salai Diekumpuna
Song lyrics
First Place – Ethan Caspary-Poucher
Second Place – Sola Ishibashi
Personal Essay
Second Place – Micash Shannon
Second Place – Henry Crowder
Second Place – Tripp Sandifer
News Feature
Second Place – Natalie Schliekelman
News Story
Second Place – Eliza Ingle
Sports Column
Second Place – Isabella Baker-Johnson
Sports Feature
Second Place – Audrey Enghauser
Editorial Column
Third Place – Emma Scott
Honorable mention – Daniel Garcia-Pozo
Feature Story
Third Place – Emma Scott
First Place – Chloe Sears
Alternative Storytelling
Third Place – Luna Reichert, Audrey Enghauser, Nico Willman and Jaydon Dennis
Honorable mention – Luna Reichert, Daniel Garcia-Pozo, Lukas Cornish and Nico Willman
2022 SIPA’s Best Visual Contest
Art, graphics and illustration categories
Editorial Cartoon
Honorable mention – Antonio Starks
Art portfolio (up to four examples from one individual)
Honorable mention – Antonio Starks
Literary Magazine categories
Nonfiction spread
Best of Show – Sophie Caillut, Natalie Ripps and Lucy Hines
Gallery spread
Award of merit – Natalie Ripps, Lucy Hines and Samantha Brodrick
Honorable mention – Lilliam Sams
Fiction spread
Honorable mention – Grace Lang, Natalie Ripps, Lucy Hines and Laniya Jones
Poetry spread
Honorable mention – Natalie Ripps, Penelope Anderson, Lucy Hines and Kira Thomas
Table of contents
Honorable mention – Lucy Hines and Natalie Ripps
Newsmagazine categories
Entertainment package
Best of Show – Audrey Enghauser, Lucas Donnelly and Eva Orbock
Table of contents
Award of merit – Audrey Enghauser
Features package
Award of merit – Nico Willman, Audrey Enghauser, Lucas Donnelly and Aza Khan
News package
Best of Show – Audrey Enghauser and Lucas Donnelly
Honorable mention – Audrey Enghauser, Eva Orbock and Aza Khan
Sports package
Award of merit – Gretchen Hinger
Honorable mention – Audrey Enghauser, Eva Orbock and Lucas Donnelly
Online categories
Feature package
Best of Show – Lucas Donnelly, Chloe Sears, Wyatt Meyer, Lukas Cornish, Janie Ripps, Antonio Starks, Eva Orbock and Ireland McCage
Award of merit – Nico Willman, Isabella Westrich, Audrey St. Onge, Aza Khan, Natasha Williams and Natalie Schliekelman
News package
Best of Show – Aza Khan, Anna Shaikun and Ireland McCage
Honorable mention – Anna Shaikun, Cadence Schapker, Audrey Enghauser and Lucas Donnelly
Opinion Package
Best of Show – Ireland McCage, Natalie Schliekelman, Isaac Ramirez, Isabella Westrich, Emily Couch, Antonio Starks and Chloe Sears
Photo Gallery
Best of Show – Lucas Donnelly and Temprince Battle
Best of Show – Kalliope Samaltanos
Award of merit – Emily Couch
Honorable mention – Molly Harwell
Sports package
Honorable mention – Aza Khan, Chloe Sears and Wyatt Meyer
Photography categories
First-year student
Honorable mention – Temprince Battle
Social Media
Social media package (10 examples of social media promotion/marketing)
Honorable mention – Lucas Donnelly, Luna Reichert, Janie Ripps, Natalie Schliekelman, Gretchen Hinger, Cadence Schapker, Isaac Ramirez, Emily Couch, Aza Khan, Chloe Sears and Audrey Enghauser
Story by Miles Lawrence
Story by Maya Shrivastav
Story by Chloe Sears
Story and package by Natalie Schliekelman
Video by Luna Reichert