News Editor Jurnee Louder talks with speaker, educator and activist, Mokah Johnson, about her activist ideology and how teens can get more involved in making a difference.

Jurnee Louder
Jurnee Louder is a senior at Clarke Central High School in Athens, Ga. and currently holds the position of News Editor of the ODYSSEY Media Group. Previously, Jurnee has served as Junior Digital Copy Editor, News Editor (for ODYSSEY Online) and Variety Editor. While she has attended many journalism conferences including National Scholastic Press Association, Georgia Scholastic Press Association, and Southern Interscholastic Press Association, Jurnee has also dabbled in presenting, specifically at SIPA. Jurnee hopes that in addition to teaching others what she has learned in her journalism career, she can enrich her community by writing issue-based feature stories, editorials and profiles.
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