Robotics teacher William Swain and student Evan Newman pose with a check from the American Society of Civil Engineers. This year the ASCE gave the Clarke Central High School robotics team a grant to benefit the program, which will help offset the prices of new equipment. “There’s plenty to get because this season (the club is) using a new method of communicating with the robot, and it’s using cell phones,” science department teacher and robotics club adviser William Swain said. Photo by Grace Polaneczky.
By GRACE POLANECZKY – Digital Copy Editor
This year, the Clarke Central High School Robotics Club has received a grant from the American Society of Civil Engineers, in order to promote engineering.
The Clarke Central High School Robotics Club has more to look forward to this year than their relocation to a new classroom. The club recently received a $500 grant from the American Society of Civil Engineers, money which is vital for the growth of the club.
“(We are) updating the new control system we’re using,” robotics club captain senior Evan Newman said. “This year the way that we’re controlling the robots is completely different from last year and we need new parts for that.”
The control system that the club plans to employ this season involves communicating to the robots using cell phones, and a new control system means new equipment.
“We have to buy the cell phones, which sounds more expensive– we’re not going to have to get a plan– but it’s still about a $400 purchase,” robotics club adviser William Swain said. “We’ve now got to ante up to that system, which is going to cost money. So this’ll help us offset that which is exciting.”
The club made it to the F.T.C Super-Regionals Championship in San Antonio during the 2014-15 school year, earning them the credibility necessary to earn such a grant.
“(The ASCE) were just looking to invest in a program that promotes engineering,” Swain said. “Obviously they’re a group of local engineers that get together, so they’re just excited about finding a program that really lines up with their passion.”