Sophomore Thao Duong presents the Vietnamese flag at the last year’s International Day. “Personally I don’t like being on stage but it’s nice that I represented my country. That made me enjoy it more,” Duong said.
On April 16, Clarke Central High School students will come together to celebrate various cultures for International Day.
On April 16, Clarke Central High School students will perform songs and dances from different countries in celebration of International Day in Mell Auditorium.
“There will be French, Italian, Spanish, Thai and African acts,” CCHS foreign language department teacher and International Club sponsor Douglas Sherer said.
International Day is devoted to celebrating and educating the CCHS community about different cultures of students at CCHS.
“It hopefully helps students to have a better appreciation and open-mindedness of other cultures,” Sherer said.
However, the only students who are able to see the show are those whose teachers signed up to attend. Students who are performing or helping backstage will also be able to see the show.
“I would like for the auditorium to be able to hold all of our student population so that everyone would have an opportunity to see the show,” Sherer said.
Senior Zipporah Mwaura will perform a dance from Kenya and junior Beltine Ebai will perform a dance from Cameroon. Social studies department teacher Karena LaRosa will have her dance group also perform during International Day.
“Sometimes when you meet someone you don’t really know they might come from a foreign country or they have some cultural dance they know or something like that. (International Day’s goal is) to showcase that and give a chance for people to represent who they are,” International Club president Emma Clarke said.