Future Business Leaders of America will be taking part in March of Dimes, an organization that helps moms and their babies. They provide necessary resources for the babies in intensive care.
Clarke Central High School’s chapter of the Future Business Leaders of America participates in multiple service projects over the course of the school year. As the end of the first term approaches, so does FBLA’s statewide service project: the March of Dimes.
“FBLA kind of pairs up with businesses. We have all kind of events that we do year-round. We do different service projects, we do fundraisers and we have competitive events,” fine arts department teacher and FBLA sponsor Cutler Bleecker said.
FBLA asks for monetary donations to support the moms and will be holding incentives and prizes as rewards in efforts to raise money for March of Dimes.
“We bring in our funds and this is like a mini competition. The one who gets the most, gets a little trophy. It’s a incentive for us to collect as much as we can,” CTAE business teacher Paulette Johnson said.
In December, FBLA will participate in March of Dimes, an organization to “help moms have full-term pregnancies and healthy babies.”
“The March of Dimes, (assists families whose) babies were born prematurely. They’re in intensively care for a long period of time and it can be expensive,” said Johnson. “So, what March of Dimes focuses on is helping kids in pre-natal intensive care units who are prematurely born and have problems. They provide funding and equipment and all kinds of other things for them.”