After a year-long absence, the Introduction to Women’s Literature class is returning to CCHS under English department teacher Molly Dorkey.
Lea D'Angelo

Lea D'Angelo
Lea D’Angelo is a sophomore at Clarke Central High School and the Digital Editor for the ODYSSEY Media Group. This year, D’Angelo hopes to become more confident in writing, editing and creating multimedia, among other skills. In her free time, she likes to read, play piano and hang out with friends.
Suzanne Collins’s new novel “Sunrise on the Reaping” brings a storyline of “The Hunger Games” that will engage new and old fans alike.
CCHS Mythology students will take a unique field trip to Expedition Bigfoot! The Sasquatch Museum on March 19.
The ODYSSEY Media Group was recognized as a Pacemaker finalist by the National Scholastic Press Association on March 12.
Digital Editor Lea D’Angelo shares facts about President’s Day and how it has evolved as a holiday.
Submissions for the annual Young Georgia Authors competition are open at CCHS until Feb. 10.
Advancing Artists: Q&A with Lyndon House Arts Center Art Education Program Specialist William Stephanos
by Lea D'Angelo February 3, 2025Lyndon House Arts Center Art Education Program Specialist William Stephanos speaks on his journey in the art world and his advice for aspiring artists
Review: “Games Untold” by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
by Lea D'Angelo December 12, 2024Author Jennifer Lynn Barnes released “Games Untold,” an anthology of novellas and short stories in “The Inheritance Games” series on Nov. 12. Despite differences in stories, key motifs of the series are consistent throughout.
Mental health representation in the media has increased in recent years. However, the representation is often inaccurate and unrealistic, which in turn impacts teenagers.
Review: “The Teller of Small Fortunes” by Julie Leong
by Lea D'Angelo November 26, 2024American author Julie Leong released her debut novel “The Teller of Small Fortunes” to all major booksellers on Nov. 5. Despite the book’s nostalgic elements, its dialogue, plot and characters fall flat.
CCHS’ Work-Based Learning is accepting applications for the spring semester, allowing students to experience the process of searching for a job.
The 2024 Paris Olympics reached a milestone in gender equality but as a whole, athletics still have a ways to go to be truly equitable.
CCHS’s FBLA chapter allows students to learn business-related skills and participate in numerous community service and competitive opportunities throughout the year.
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Hot Topic: Five ways to take care of your mental health
by Lea D'Angelo October 10, 2024Digital Editor Lea D’Angelo shares five ways students can take care of their mental health in honor of World Mental Health Day which takes place on Oct. 10.
As the first quarter of the 2024-25 school year wraps up, new Clarke Central High School teachers reflect on their previous jobs, goals for the year and lives before teaching.
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Hot Topic: Five notable moments in LGBTQ+ history
by Lea D'Angelo October 7, 2024Webmaster Lea D’Angelo discusses monumental moments in LGBTQ+ history in honor of LGBTQ+ History Month which takes place Oct. 1-31.
Webmaster Lea D’Angelo shares facts about the Autumnal Equinox which takes place on Sept. 22.
The Work-Based Learning program gives CCHS students the opportunity to gain experience in various fields of the workforce while still earning course credits.
ODYSSEY Media Group students participated in the 2024 Southern Interscholastic Press Association conference in Columbia, South Carolina from March 1-3.
The switch from standard time to daylight saving time occurs on March 9, taking almost all of the United States back an hour. This precedent means more sunlight in the afternoon, but can also have negative effects on the body.